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Sunday, March 7, 2010

blog post numero uno

As my blog title states, my brain is rapidly dissolving and being sucked out of my boobs by my ravenous little nursling. Well, maybe it's not that bad, but I'm definitely feeling dumbed down. Is it caused by nursing? Is it motherhood in general? Is it the fact that I spend most of my days wearing track pants and making up songs about poopy? I don't know, but perhaps committing to writing a legible blog post every so often will help.

What with my husband and daughter, our new house, and my new career as a stay-at-home mom, I have plenty to blog about! Less than three years ago I was single, living abroad, and not sure what to do with myself. A friend recently emailed me to remind me of something I said to her just before moving home. I said: "All I want to do is get married and have babies, Beth! I want to make BABIES!" I didn't think it would all happen so quickly!

Anyhoo, neither Tom nor I have done much to document Dolly's babyhood in words. That's my main goal for this blog. We have billions of pictures, but there's no baby book, no real journal. And as much as I think her dried, flower-shaped umbilical cord will fascinate her someday, probably what she'll really want are stories and more stories. Sure, I'll never forget the time when she was 6 weeks old and I ran out of gas on our way home from the midwife's office (worst parent moment), but what about the less dramatic moments? What about the day she... um, the day she... see, darned if I can remember! Better start blogging.


  1. I also started a blog when I was pregnant. There really are a lot of things to write about, especially parenting! :) I'll be the loyal reader to your blog! :)
    And.. YEAH!! I'm the first to write a comment!! :D

  2. Unfortunately for me, your blog is in Chinese :( I like your slideshow, though. Jayden has a great smile!

  3. actually.. I no longer updated the blog you saw.. I moved my blog to another site.. but.. still in Chinese.. :D
